Almost half year ago I’ve made this control. For one idea, but then I found that my idea does not good enough to be implemented.
It has just 2 classes VBPieChart, superclass UIView, and VBPiePiece, superclass CAShapeLayer. And really used just VBPieChart. All chart based on CALayer’s and depends to QuartzCore.
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VBPieChart *_chart = [[VBPieChart alloc] init];
[self.view addSubview:_chart]; [_chart setFrame:CGRectMake(10, 50, 300, 300)]; [_chart setEnableStrokeColor:YES]; _chart.length = M_PI; _chart.startAngle = M_PI; [_chart.layer setShadowOffset:CGSizeMake(2, 2)]; [_chart.layer setShadowRadius:3]; [_chart.layer setShadowColor:[UIColor blackColor].CGColor]; [_chart.layer setShadowOpacity:0.7]; [_chart setHoleRadiusPrecent:0.3]; NSDictionary *chartValues = @{ @"data one": @{@"value":@35 }, @"data two": @{@"value":@20 }, @"data tree": @{@"value":@10 }, @"first ": @{@"value":@40}, @"second": @20, @"third": @40, @"fourth": @10, }; [_chart setChartValues:chartValues animation:YES]; |
chartValues contains items of chart.
1. name of piece
2. dictionary with NSNumber or parameters:
– value actually size of piece
– color, UIColor
– accent, bool value to show this item with shift
VBPieChart has 5 different types of animations.